Avoiding Scams and Fraud

Fraudsters and scammers might contact you via:

  • Phone call

  • In messages (email, text, online, social media)

  • In person (knocking on your door, approaching you at the airport / bus station / in public)

Remember that even though the U.S. is quite safe, unfortunately U.S. residents are accustomed to receiving calls or messages from scammers every day. As a visitor to the U.S., you may not recognize the fraud that U.S. residents have learned to ignore.


Fraudsters and scammers might pretend to be:

  • A government agency (IRS, Social Security, U.S. Government, Immigration)

  • A utility company (phone, internet, electricity, gas)

  • A wealthy person who promises you a large sum of money in exchange for a favor

  • A housing or job provider, or transportation provider (i.e. from the airport)

  • An unknown! Scammers often change their tactics and may try something new.


  • Believe any stranger who tells you to keep a secret from ERDT / your family / your employer, especially regarding money or legal matters.

  • Send money to a stranger (especially bank wires, gift card numbers, Bitcoin).

  • Give out personal information (passport, address, Social Security information) over the phone or email. You should only ever provide your Social Security number in person – to your employer, bank, doctor, in a government office, and to your tax refund company.

  • Get in a car unless you have full confidence that it is legitimate. We strongly suggest using Uber and Lyft as you can verify the car and license plate via the app. If your employer provides transportation from the airport / bus station, make sure it is legitimate.

  • Click on links in emails or online/social media messages, unless you have verified the source.

    Travel with your name easily visible (luggage tag, etc). If someone knows your name, they may trick you into trusting them.

If you have been scammed, or if you want to ask whether something/someone is legitimate or not, contact ERDT. We have seen our students get scammed and don’t want it to happen again. We are here to help!